Who We Are?
- AT&T Pioneers is a network of volunteers who effect immediate, tangible change in our local communities.
What We Do?
- Volunteer, volunteer, & volunteer!!! We get involved with anything and everything that we are passionate about in our community.
What is the Pioneers Legacy?
- The Pioneers legacy is long and inspiring. It all began in 1911 with just 734 members (including Alexander Graham Bell). In the beginning, friendship and fellowship were what it was all about. Industry people recalling the facts, traditions, and memories of the early history of the telephone. But those who wrote the original Pioneers purpose were forward thinking in adding that it would also encourage “such other meritorious objects consistent with the foregoing as may be desirable.” That became what would make the Pioneers different from other industry groups.
How to join the AT&T Pioneer’s?
- Fill this form out (http://attpioneers.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/att_pioneers_membrship_form_050319.pdf) and email it to any member at large
Find us on tSpace:
- https://tspace.web.att.com/communities/service/html/communitystart?communityUuid=36c7de88-75b9-4cc2-917a-287f8f0db39c